The obverse of the coin carries a portrait of Jan Olszewski, Prime Minister in the years 1991–1992, a fragment of the seating chart for the Sejm meeting hall, and a stylised ballot box. Emblem of the Republic of Poland. JAN OLSZEWSKI, RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2021, 10 ZŁ
Description reverse
The reverse features a fragment of the complex of the Sejm buildings, with a centrally placed building that houses the Sejm meeting halls, and a fragment of the Senate building. In the foreground, a stylised fragment of a ballot paper featuring the eagle of the National Electoral Commission.27 X 1991, 30-LECIE PIERWSZYCH WOLNYCH WYBOROW PARLAMENTARNYCH
Poland. Third Polish Republic. 10 Zloty (Silver) 2021, Mint of Poland. CoCo PL-2021-0025.