A half-body portrait of Lajos Batthyány; in right field, his signature. MAGYARORSZÁG, 30000 FORINT,
Description reverse
A stylised representation of a carved graveyard pole is shown on the left, inserted into it, the year ‘1849’ is seen at the top, indicating the time of the executions with the names of the 13 martyrs of Arad appearing in the order they were executed, below in two lines: ‘DESSEWFFY ARISZTID, LÁZÁR VILMOS, SCHWEIDEL JÓZSEF, KISS ERNŐ, POELTENBERG ERNŐ, TÖRÖK IGNÁC, LÁHNER GYÖRGY, KNEZIĆ KÁROLY, NAGYSÁNDOR JÓZSEF, LEININGEN-WESTERBURG KÁROLY, AULICH LAJOS, DAMJANICH JÁNOS, VÉCSEY KÁROLY, 2024, ARADI VÉRTANÚK’ (THE MARTYRS OF ARAD)
Hungary. 30000 Forint (Silver) 2024, Hungarian Mint Ltd.. CoCo HU-2024-0024.