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Depiction of a half-length portrait of Sandor Petöfi, based on an 1846 ink drawing...
György Cziffra’s portrait is seen with a concentrated look on his face. CZIFFRA...
Depiction of a half-length portrait of the world-famous mathematician. WOLF-DÍJ...
Portrait of Georg von Békésy. BÉKÉSY GYÖRGY, NOBEL-DÍJ ● 1961 ●
A half-length representation of Andrew Olah. NOBEL-DÍJ 1994 (NOBEL PRIZE 1994),...
The Hungarian coat of arms surrounded by a stylised network of interlocking semi-circles....
The reverse shows a half-length portrait of the Nobel Prize-winning writer and...
A portrait of Karikó Katalin, her head slightly turned to left. KARIKÓ KATALIN,...
A portrait of Ferenc Kraus. KRAUSZ FERENC, NOBEL-DÍJ 2023
A stylised representation of a carved graveyard pole is shown on the left, inserted...