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The reverse depicts two sowers. The first one, in the background, is the original...
LANDESZEUGHAUS, seitliches Portrait einer Ritterrüstung, im Hintergrund...
LEOPOLD WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART 1719 1787, Portrait Leopold Mozart und Wolfgang...
Imperial coat of arms of Charles V, carried by a double headed eagle. DAMICHI VIRTVTE...
The reverse shows the globe, Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan and Spanish...
The reverse shows a representation of one of Dürer’s woodcut engravings...
Doves taking flight and passing through the V of victory. These doves are synonymous...
Depiction of a brass band; below, stylized Maltese cross. GAHQDA KAZINI TAL-BANDA,...
Portrait einer Frau auf rechter Seite, im Hintergrund abstrakte Kunstelemente,...
Frontal view of the Institute de France in Paris. INSTITUT DE FRANCE, RF, 2022,...