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50 EURO CENT, 12 stars, on the left a Map of Europe without borders, on the right...
Features a Europa Star in the centre, inspired by the Europa star logo. In the centre...
Profile view of the reconstructed cathedral; around, stylized illustrations...
Image of the Varzaresti monastery. MĂNĂSTIREA VĂRZĂREȘTI, 600 DE ANI
A relief image of the Church of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ; and the inscriptions...
1200 JAHRE DOM ZU SALZBURG 1974, Hl. Rupert und Hl. Virgil im Vordergrund, im Hintergrund...
An image of St. Mary’s Basilica in Kraków on the right, and a colourful stained-glass...
Frontal view of St. Pieter’s in Rome; on the left, Papal coat of arms. SAN...