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5 EURO TORINO 2006 XX GIOCHI OLIMPIC INVERNALI, snowflake, skiing snowman.
WINTERSPIELE 2010, ein Skispringer, im Hintergrund Wald und Berge.
WINTERSPIELE 2010, eine Snowboarderin, im Hintergrund viele Zuschauer.
5 Euro, gymnast with ribbon, in form of olympic rings.
5 EURO 2004 OLIMPIADE, ancient sports in front of the Parthenon, Athen.
5 EURO CITTA’ DEL VATICANO, Mary with Jesus presenting rosaries to Saints...
JĀ (YES) is featured in the centre, 5 EURO in a semicircle, is at the bottom on the...
5 EURO 2018 ARIES, zodiac sign for Aries, stars, capricorn.
5 EURO 2018 TAURUS, zodiac sign for Taurus, stars, bull.
5 EURO 2018 GEMINI, zodiac sign for Gemini, stars, baby twins.