10 Euro – 80th Anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising (2024)

SK 10 Euro 2024 MKSK 10 Euro 2024 MK
Image source: National Bank of Slovakia

Description obverse

The obverse depicts the building of the Slovak National Uprising Museum in Banská Bystrica. Below it is an outline map of the wartime Slovak Republic, showing the territory in which the uprising took place; on the left, Slovak coat of arms. 2024, SLOVENSKO, 10 EURO

Description reverse

At the centre of the reverse design is the emblem of the insurgent air force, with an LT vz. 38 tank shown on the right side and an image of mortar­men in combat action appearing on the left side. Depicted at the bottom of design is an insurgent biplane fighter (Avia B.534.217) and, above it, part of an insurgent armoured train. 1944, SLOVENSKÉ NÁRODNÉ POVSTANIE


Slovakia. 10 Euro (Silver) 2024, Kremnica Mint. CoCo SK-2024-0007.