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The reverse of the coin shows – at its main motif – white-and-red fl ags and a white-and...
The reverse of the coin presents a traditional family, drawn in a childlike style.Polska...
The reverse of the coin features the image of Ludwik Korkoš’s sculpture “Man and...
Depiction of one of the gates of the consentration camp. OFIAROM OBOZU KONCENTRACYJNEGO...
The reverse of the coin depicts a doctor’s hand wearing a surgical glove, caringly...
Facing portrait of Wincenty Witos, to the left inscription STULECIE ODZYSKANIA...
Depiction of a facing portrait of Władysław Grabski. WLADYSLAW GRABSKI, 1874-1938...
The reverse of the coin features the image of Władysław Zawadzki, the dates of...
Bronski in his uniform facing, high military decoration on the left. ZDZISLAW...
Deptiction of Zygmunt Szendzielarz with a military decoration on the right;...