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Depiction of the Padeș monument. Below, the eagle on Tudor Vladimirescu’s flag....
A football in the middle criss-crossed by the inscription ”Campionatul...
Portrait busts of King Ferdinand I to right, and Ion Braianu to left. GADOPTAREA...
The portrait of King Michael I of Romania. REGELE MIHAI I, 100 DE ANI DE LA NASTERE...
The portraits and signatures of King Ferdinand I and Queen Maria. INCORONAREA...
Portrait and signature of Iuliu Maniu. IULIU MANIU, 1873 -1953
Portrait of Ion C. Brătianu left. ION C. BRATIANU, 1821, 1891
Portrait of Avram Iancu; below, his signature. 1824-1872 AVRAM IANCU