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In the center a coat of arms composed by the visual of the Hermione, the frigate...
Washington on horseback on Dorchester Heights, leading four officers towards...
The background of the coin in the shape of ‘Idefix’ is made up of stylized...
The reverse is covered with elements symbolizing the ancient world and sports....
The reverse shows the General-in-Chief leading the charge on horseback, followed...
The Eiffel Tower seen from above, surrounded by symbolic depictions of other...
Bow-tie imprinted with the famous houndstooth emblem of the Dior fashion-house....
Three doves in perspective taking flight symbolizing peace. The flight of these...
Stylized head of a falcon left, ist eye FIFA WORLD CUP, Quatar 2022, 200 euro, RF...
Features a Europa Star in the centre, inspired by the Europa star logo. In the centre...