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Depiction of a detail of the Nativity in the predella of the Madonna of the Girdle...
Coat of arms and motto of Pope Francis. FRANCICVS PP, ANNO XI, MMXXIII
Coat of arms and motto of Pope Francis. FRANCICVS PP, ANNO XI, CHRISTVS RESVREXIT,...
Portrait of the laureate Dante Alighieri to the right. DANTE ALIGHIERI, 1321,...
Depiction of the Risen Christ from the fresco “The Resurrection” by Pinturicchio,...
Busts of the saints Peter and Paul facing each other. CITTA’ DEL VATICANO,...
Portrait bust of Pope Leo X in full pontifical regalia to left. CITTA’ DEL...
Bust of Laura on the left and that of Petrarch on the right, facing each other. FRANCESCO...
Portrait of Pope Benedikt XV in profile, praying. CITTA DEL VATICANO, CINQUE...
Coat of arms and motto of Pope Francis. FRANCICVS P.M. ANNO XI. MMXXIII