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5 EURO 2004 OLIMPIADE, ancient sports in front of the Parthenon, Athen.
5 EURO CITTA’ DEL VATICANO, Mary with Jesus presenting rosaries to Saints...
Allegory of Victory standing left, holding palm branch and rising hand –...
Hearts drawn by children, colors of the Moldovan flag behind. CÂT TRĂIM PE ACEST...
Hands stretched into the air, three of them painted in the colors of the Moldovan...
Stylized heart in the colors of the Moldovan flag. 30 DE ANI DE INDEPENDENȚĂ, INIMA...
Gold and Ruthenium plated image of a Rat with a Royal Cloak and a crown facing right....
A mother panda and her cub. 30 g, Au .999, 500
The national emblem and title of the People’s Republic of China. 2022
Effigy of Kazimierz Pulaski facing left, behind designer’s monogram....