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Depiction of D. Novak in his pilot’s gear. PRVI LET AVIONOM U HRVATSKOJ...
Janica Kotelić skiing, Croatian Olympic Committee logo. OLIMPIJSKE IGRE, 2006...
Large digits 75 and inscription OBLJETNICA DAN POBJEDE NAD FAŠIZMOM 1945.-2020....
Several piles of coins at the centre, above the title of his main work, ‘DEL...
Depiction of a traditional Carrack ship. DUBROVACKA KARAKA XV-XVII St., 2007...
Depiction of the trophy of the world cup at the centre. FIFA SVJETSKO PRVENSTVO...
Depiction of a football player running beside a ball, logo of the world cup to the...
Logo of the 2006 world cup, stylized net of a football goal in the background. 2006...
Portrait of Franjo Tudman to the right. PRVI PRESJEDNIK REPUBLIKE HRVATSKE,...
Bust of Nikola Tesla to the left, head turned outward. NIKOLA TESLA 1856 –...