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1812 CHARLES DICKENS 1870 around the portrait of Charles Dickens which is composted...
THE FIRST WORLD WAR 1914-1918 above a depiction of soldiers
A thistle in front of a cross, embedded with a laurel wreath. Above the date, below...
Portrait of Very Lynn facing left. DAME VERY LYNN, 1917-2024
SAMUEL PEPYS DIARIST 1669-2019 around the depiction of a hand writing a letter...
DNA DOUBLE HELIX above the depiction of a double helix. Below the jubilee dates...
St.Pauls in London
R. TREVITHICK 1804 INVENTION INDUSTRY PROGRESS around the very first steam locomotive...
1820 FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE 1910 above a pair of hands holding gently a single hand....
Several swords and scepters. Above the jubilee dates