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Coat of arms of Greece at the centre of a stylized shell. ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΜΥΘΟΛΟΓΙΑ 2021...
Die Rückseite zeigt vor einem ornamentalen Hintergrund einen Oréjon, eine Votivgabe,...
Depiction of a football player about to kick the ball. COPA MUNDIAL DE LA FIFA CATAR...
Stylised depiction of a dove of peace, humans below. CITTA’ DEL VATICANO,...
In the centre the denomination, above an olive branch, below an oak branch and...
A spiral pattern of points. SUOMI FINLAND, 100 €
Lucky Luke shooting at his own shadow. LUCKY LUKE, 75 ANS, 2021, 100 EURO
Melita, the personification of the island of Malta, standing at the centre, holding...
Bundesadler umgeben von 12 Sternen, darüber Münzstättenzeichen. BUNDESREPUBLIK...