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Arbeitsszene aus einem eisenzeitlichen Bergwer
Three buildings stretching towards the centre (the National Museum, Hvitträsk,...
At the centre, the Lithuanian flag; on the left, the logo of NATO; on the right,...
In the foreground the rooster of Saint Peter – a bronze statue preserved...
Farbige Illustration des Krebsnebels, gestaltet nach einer Aufnahme des Hubble-Weltraumteleskops....
Effigy of King Philippe to right; on theright, crown above royal cypher. BELGIE...
On the reverse side three graphic friezes set in a hexagon interpret the heraldic...
The reverse of the coin employs artistic means to depict the Olympic flame as an...
The Chinese zodiacal animals are arranged on a screen surrounding a traditional...
Die Bildseite der Münze zeigt Berge, die an die Schweizer Alpen erinnern, eine...