Zusätzliche Informationen
Titel / Anlass | |
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Nominal | |
Prägejahr | |
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Durchmesser (mm) | |
Gewicht | |
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Prägequalität | |
Münzstätte | |
Prägezeichen | |
Auflage | |
Sondertechniken | |
Serie | |
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Medailleur |
Titel / Anlass | |
Land | |
Nominal | |
Prägejahr | |
Material | |
Durchmesser (mm) | |
Gewicht | |
Form | |
Rand | |
Prägequalität | |
Münzstätte | |
Prägezeichen | |
Auflage | |
Sondertechniken | |
Serie | |
Designer | |
Medailleur |
In the centre the denomination of the coin ‘10 РУБЛЕЙ’ (10 RUBLES), inside the figure ‘0’ hidden pictures of the number ‘10’ and the inscription ‘РУБ’ (RUB), visible alternately when changing the angle of vision, on the left and on the right stylised images of laurel and oak branches respectively. БАНК РОССИИ (BANK OF RUSSIA), ‘2022
Depiction of a detail of the monument to the heroes of the front and the rear in honour of the combat and labour heroic deeds accomplished by people born in Ivanovo during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. ИВАНОВО (IVANOVO), ГОРОДА ТРУДОВОЙ ДОБЛЕСТИ (CITIES OF LABOUR VALOUR)
The coin is made of brass plated steel.