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Depiction of the iconic temple gate of Naxos. ΠΟΡΤΑΡΑ ΝΑΞΟΣ, 2021
On the left is the ‘sower’ design by the engraver Oscar Roty, sowing...
Stylized depiction of the Sower from the old French Franc. 50 €uro, RF
The profiles of two pilots, symbolising the different eras and types of use civil...
Facades of various French museums. RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE, 50 EURO
Facades of various French museums. RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE 50 EURO
DER BILLROTH´SCHE HÖRSAAL, Medizinunterricht in einem Hörsaal, links dabenen...
Die rechte Münzhälfte zeigt Bäume und Blumen; links davon, zwei frontale Frauenporträts;...