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50 EURO CITTA’ DEL VATICANO, sculpture of the Laocoon group.
A fragment of the work entitled ‘Las Meninas’, painted by Diego Velázquez in 1656....
The reverse side depicts “Liberty”, the left profile bust of a slender...
Facades of various French museums. RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE, 50 EURO
The reverse depicts a bird’s eye view of Paris with the Seine looking like...
Several Egyptian statues, symbols and hieroglyphs. 50 euro
Lucky-Luke fights a duel against his own shadow. LUCKY LUKE 75 ANS 2021 50 EURO
LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN 1770 1827, Portrait Ludwig van Beethoven, darunter seine...
50 EURO BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND 2017, Bundesadler umgeben von 12 Sternen...