The obverse of the coin features the BNB logo and the year ‘1879’ on the strip; at the top in a semicircle, the inscription ‘БЪЛГАРСКА НАРОДНА БАНКА’ (Bulgarian National Bank) and underneath the nominal value ‘10 ЛЕВА’ (10 levs) and the year of issue ‘2021’.
Beschreibung Rückseite
The reverse of the coin features the images of three women Nestinari (one of them carrying an icon) dancing on smoldering embers; the inscription 'БЪЛГАРСКИ ТРАДИЦИИ И ОБИЧАИ' (Bulgarian customs and traditions) within a semicircle at the top, and 'НЕСТИНАРСТВО' (Nestinarstvo) at the bottom.
Bulgaria. 10 Levs (Silber) 2021, Bulgarian Mint. CoCo BG-2021-0002.