Zusätzliche Informationen
Titel / Anlass | |
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Nominal | |
Prägejahr | |
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Feingehalt | |
Durchmesser (mm) | |
Gewicht | |
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Rand | |
Prägequalität | |
Münzstätte | |
Auflage | |
Serie | |
Designer |
Titel / Anlass | |
Land | |
Nominal | |
Prägejahr | |
Material | |
Feingehalt | |
Durchmesser (mm) | |
Gewicht | |
Form | |
Rand | |
Prägequalität | |
Münzstätte | |
Auflage | |
Serie | |
Designer |
The obverse of the coin features the BNB logo and the year ‘1879’ on the strip; the inscription ‘БЪЛГАРСКА НАРОДНА БАНКА’ (Bulgarian National Bank), the nominal value ‘100 ЛЕВА’ (100 levs), the year of issue ‘2020’ in circumference.
The reverse of the coin features the Biblical subject of the Nativity; the inscription ‘РОЖДЕСТВО ХРИСТОВО’ (‘The Nativity’) in circumference at the top.