Zusätzliche Informationen
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Titel / Anlass | |
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The obverse of the coins shows the wax seal of the Minister of Justice in 1848, as one of the guarantees of legislative authenticity. MAGYARORSZÁG (Hungary), DEÁK FERENC AZ ELSŐ FELELŐS MAGYAR KORMÁNY IGAZSÁGÜGYI MINISZTERE (Ferenc Deák, Minister of Justice of the First Independent Hungarian Government), 3000 FORINT
The reverse of the coins features a half-length portrait of Deák on the right-hand side of the vertical central field, bordered by a circular line, which was inspired by a lithograph by the renowned Austrian painter Franz Eybl from 1842. To the left of the central field, parallel to the vertical line, the statesman's signature is seen. 1803-1876, KOCKÁZTATHATUNK MINDENT A HAZÁÉRT, DE A HAZÁT KOCKÁZTATNI SEMMIÉRT NEM SZABAD’. (We can risk everything for the homeland, but we may not risk the homeland for nothing.)