Zusätzliche Informationen
Titel / Anlass | |
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Herrscher (Daten) | |
Nominal | |
Prägejahr | |
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Durchmesser (mm) | |
Gewicht | |
Form | |
Rand | |
Prägequalität | |
Münzstätte | |
Prägezeichen | |
Auflage | |
Designer |
Titel / Anlass | |
Land | |
Herrscher (Daten) | |
Nominal | |
Prägejahr | |
Material | |
Durchmesser (mm) | |
Gewicht | |
Form | |
Rand | |
Prägequalität | |
Münzstätte | |
Prägezeichen | |
Auflage | |
Designer |
Head of King Willem-Alexander to right, he is encircled by the symbol of the “Kodokan”, the first judo school that was ever founded in Tokyo in 1882. WILLEM-ALEXANDER, KONING DER NEDERLANDEN
Anton Geesink is shown during his victory at the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo.He is surrounded by circles, symbolizing the twenty seconds in which the headlock must be held to win the game. Moreover, the circles indicate a rising sun as Japan is also called the “Land of the Rising Sun”. ANTON GESINK, 5 EURO, 2021
The coin is made of silver plated copper.