In the centre a stylised image of the camp crematory and the outline of a building with the entrance gate with the stylised images of three fence posts. Below on the left an eagle - State Emblem of the Republic of Poland and mintmark, on the right an inscription: KL AUSCHWITZ- /BIRKENAU. Below 2010 and in the centre 100/Zl. At the top the semicircular inscription: 65. ROCZNICA OSWOBODZENIA (65th anniversary of liberation). At the bottom the semicircular inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA
Beschreibung Rückseite
In the center an image of a boy in a cap and a coat, with David’s star on the chest. In the background a stylised image of a building at the entrance gate to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp and the rails leading to the camp. At the bottom the semicircular inscription: FABRYKA ŚMIERCI (death factory). Below an inscription: BIRKENAU.