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A Peregrine Falcon in flight to right. PEREGRINE FALCON, SAN MARINO, 2024, 1 OZ....
A map of Europe without borders, 12 stars. 2 EURO
Madam Butterfly to left; stylized notes below; Asian artistic elements in the...
A member of the Guardia di Rocca standing facing. GUARDIA DI ROCCA, 2024, 10 EURO...
A map of Europe without borders, 12 stars on the outher ring. 2 EURO
A Peregrine Falcon in flight to right. PEREGRINE FALCON, SAN MARINO, 2024, 1/10...
Profile of a young woman to left, with a hat and pearl necklace, listening to the...
A snake to left; above, Chinese symbol for ‘snake’. 2023, SERPENTE,...
A stylized dragon to left; above, Chinese symbol for ‘dragon’....
A rabbit sitting to left; above, Chinese symbol for ‘rabbit’. 2023,...