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Half-lenght bust of Duke Mieszko I facing 3/4 left, holding sword and cross. In...
Diademed bust of Duke Mieszko I facing 3/4 left. Behind PRÓBA MIESZKO I 960-992...
Effigy of Nicolaus Copernicus facing 3/4 right. MIKOlAJ KOPERNIK 1473-1543
Effigy of Nicolaus Copernicus facing 3/4 right. In front PRÓBA MIKOlAJ KOPERNIK...
Within circle crowned bust of King Wladislas I facing 3/4 left. WlADYSlAW I HERMAN...
Within circle crowned bust of King Wladislas I facing 3/4 left. Behind PRÓBA....
DEUTSCH OST=AFRIKA, Deutsche Kaiserkrone, Prägungsjahr geteilt.
Imperial coat of arms of Charles V, carried by a double headed eagle. DAMICHI VIRTVTE...